Nutrient Cycles and Flows

Nutrient Cycles and Flows

Nutrient Cycles and Flows 
We used the term cycle earlier when discussing the flow of nutrients from soil to plant to animal to soil, as well as global carbon and nitrogen cycles (chapter 2).

Some farmers minimize their use of nutrient supplements and try to rely more on natural soil nutrient cycles—as contrasted with purchased commercial fertilizers—to provide fertility to plants. But is it really possible to depend forever on the natural cycling of all the nutrients to meet a crop’s needs? Let’s first consider what a nutrient cycle is and how it differs from the other ways that nutrients move from one place to another.

When nutrients move from one place to another, that is a flow. There are many different types of nutrient flows that can occur. When you buy fertilizers or animal feeds, nutrients are “flowing” onto the farm. When you sell sweet corn, apples, alfalfa hay, meat, or milk, nutrients are “flowing” off the farm. Flows that involve products entering or leaving the farm gate are managed intentionally, whether or not you are thinking about

Nutrient Cycles and Flows 
nutrients. Other flows are unplanned—for example, when nitrate is lost from the soil by leaching to ground-water or when runoff waters take nutrients along with eroded topsoil to a nearby stream.

When crops are harvested and brought to the barn to feed animals, that is a nutrient flow, as is the return of animal manure to the land. Together these two flows are a true cycle, because nutrients return to the fields from which they came. In forests and natural grassland, the cycling of nutrients is very efficient. In the early stages of agriculture, when almost all people lived near their fields, nutrient cycling was also efficient (figure 7.1a). However, in many types of agriculture, especially modern, “industrial-style” farming, there is little real cycling of nutrients, because there is no easy way to return nutrients shipped off the farm. In addition, nutrients in crop residues don’t cycle very efficiently when the soil is without living plants for long periods, and nutrient runoff and leaching losses are much larger than from natural systems
The first major break in the cycling of nutrients occurred as cities developed and nutrients began to routinely travel with farm products to feed the growing urban populations. It is rare for nutrients to travel many miles away from cities and return to the soils on which the crops and animals were originally raised (figure

7.1b,c). Thus, nutrients have accumulated in urban sewage and polluted waterways around the world. Even with the building of many new sewage treatment plants in the 1970s and 1980s, effluent containing nutrients still flow into waterways, and sewage sludges are not always handled in an environmentally sound manner.

The trend toward farm specialization, mostly driven by economic forces, has resulted in the second break-in nutrient cycling by separating animals from the land that grows their feed. With specialized animal facilities (figure 7.1c), nutrients accumulate in manure while crop farmers purchase large quantities of fertilizers to keep their fields from becoming nutrient deficient.


Different types of farms may have distinctly different nutrient flow patterns. Farms that exclusively grow grain or vegetables have a relatively high annual nutrient export (figure 7.2a). Nutrients usually enter the farm as either commercial fertilizers or various amendments and leave the farm as plant products. Some cycling of nutrients occurs as crop residues are returned to the soil and decompose. A large nutrient outflow is com-mon, however, because a large portion of the crop is usually exported off the farm. For example, an acre of tomatoes or onions usually contains over 100 pounds of nitrogen, 20 pounds of phosphorus, and 100 pounds of potassium. For agronomic crops, the annual export of nutrients is about 100 pounds of nitrogen, 6 pounds of phosphorus, and 50 pounds of potassium per acre for corn grain and about 150 pounds of nitrogen, 20 pounds of phosphorus, and 130 pounds of potassium per acre for grass hay.

It should be fairly easy to balance inflows and out-flows on crop farms, at least theoretically. In practice, under good management, nutrients are depleted a bit by crop growth and removal until soil test levels fall too low, and then they’re raised again with fertilizers or manures (see chapter 21).

A grass-fed beef operation that uses little to no imported feed should also be able to easily balance imports and exports because few nutrients leave the farm (as animals) and few nutrients are brought on to the farm (figure 7.2b). Most of the nutrients on this type of operation complete a true cycle on the farm—they are taken up from the soil by plants, which are eaten by the animals, and most of the nutrients are then returned to the soil as manure and urine. The same type of flows will occur on all integrated crop and livestock farms that produce all of their own feed.

A contrasting situation occurs on dairy farms if all of the forage is produced on the farm but grains and minerals are purchased (figure 7.2c). Many dairy farms in the northeast U.S. do not have the land base to grow all the needed feed and tend to emphasize growing forage crops. In this situation, there are more sources of nutrients coming onto the farm—with concentrates (common mixtures containing corn grain and soy) and minerals usually comprising a larger source of nutrient inputs than fertilizers. In a study of forty-seven New York state dairy farms, an average of 76% of N came onto the farms as feeds and 23% as fertilizers. The percentages were pretty much the same for P (73% as feeds and 26% as fertilizers). Most of the nutrients consumed by animals end up in the manure—from 60% to over 90% of the nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Compared with crop farms, where a high percentage of the crop grown is sold, fewer nutrients flow from dairy farms per acre. Under this situation, nutrients will accumulate on the farm and may eventually cause environmental harm from excess nitrogen or phosphorus. This same problem exists for any ani-mal farm that imports a high percentage of its feed. To

put it another way, these farms have an inadequate land base to produce all their feed and therefore also have an inadequate land base on which to apply their manure at environmentally safe rates. Animal operations that import all feeds and have a limited land base to use the manure have the greatest potential to accumulate high

amounts of nutrients. Contract growers of chickens are an example of this situation.

Two different nutrient flows occur when manure on livestock farms is applied to the fields used for growing the feeds. The nutrients in manure that came from farm-grown feed sources are completing a true cycle. The nutrients in manure that originally entered the farm as purchased feeds and mineral supplements are not participating in a true cycle. These nutrients are completing a flow that might have started in a far-away farm, mine, or fertilizer factory and are now just being transported from the barn to the field.

If there is enough cropland to grow most of the grain and forage needs, low amounts of imported nutrients and export per acre will result. Relatively low amounts of nutrients exported per acre as animal products make it easier to rely on nutrient cycling on a mixed livestock-crop farm that produces most of its feed then on a farm growing only crops.


Long-distance transportation of nutrients is central to the way the modern food system functions. On average, the food we eat has traveled about 1,300 miles from field to processor to distributor to consumer. Exporting wheat from the U.S. Pacific Northwest to China involves an even longer distance, as does the import of apples from New Zealand to New York. The nutrients in concentrated commercial fertilizers also travel large distances from the mine or factory to distributors to the field. The specialization of the corn and soybean farms of the Midwest and the hog and chicken mega-farms centralized in a few regions, such as Arkansas, the East Coast’s Delmarva Peninsula, and North Carolina has created a unique situation. The long-distance flows of nutrients from crop farms to animal farms require the purchase of fertilizers on the crop farms; meanwhile, the animal farms are overloaded with nutrients.

Of course, the very purpose of agriculture in the
Nutrient Cycles and Flows
modern world—the growing of food and fiber and the use of the products by people living away from the farm—results in a loss of nutrients from the soil, even under the best possible management. In addition, leaching losses of nutrients, such as calcium, magnesium, and potassium, are accelerated by natural acidification, as well as by acidification caused by the use of fertilizers. Soil minerals—especially in the “young” soils of glaciated regions and in arid regions not subject to much leaching—may supply lots of phosphorus, potassium, calcium, and magnesium and many other nutrients. A soil with plentiful active organic matter also may supply nutrients for a long time. Eventually, however, nutrients will need to be applied to a continually cropped soil. Nitrogen is the only nutrient you can “produce” on the farm—legumes and their bacteria working together can remove nitrogen from the atmosphere and change it into forms that plants can use. However, sooner or later you will need to apply some phosphorus or potassium, even to the richest soils. If the farm is in a mixed crop-livestock system that exports only animal products, it may take a long time to deplete a rich soil because so few nutrients per acre are exported with those products. For crop farms, especially in humid regions, the depletion occurs more rapidly, because more nutrients are exported per acre each year.

The issue eventually becomes not whether nutrients will be imported onto the farm, but rather, what source of nutrients, you should use. Will the nutrients brought onto the farm be commercial fertilizers; traditional amendments (limestone); biologically fixed nitrogen; imported feeds or minerals for livestock; organic materials such as manures, composts, and sludges; or some combination of sources?

Three Different Flow Patterns

There are three main nutrient flow patterns, each one with implications for the long-term functioning of the farm and the environment: Imports of nutrients maybe

less than exports, imports maybe greater than exports, or imports may equal exports.

Imports are less than exports. For farms “living

off capital” and drawing down the supplies of nutrients from minerals and organic matter, nutrient concentrations continually decline. This can continue for a while, just like a person can live off savings in a bank account until the money runs out. At some point, the availability of one or more nutrients becomes so low that crop yields decrease. If this condition is not remedied, the farm becomes less and less able to produce food, and its economic condition will decline. This is clearly not a desirable situation for either the farm or the country. Unfortunately, the low productivity of much of Africa’s agricultural lands is partially caused by this type of nutrient flow pattern, as increasing population pressure elevated land-use intensity, and fertilizer prices are too high for poor farmers. In previous times under the system of shifting cultivation, agricultural fields would have been allowed to return to forest for 20 or more years, during which time there would have been a replenishment of nutrients in the topsoil. One of the greatest challenges of our era is to increase the fertility of the soils of Africa, both by using fertilizers and by building up healthier soils.

Imports are larger than exports. Animal farms with inadequate land bases to produce all needed feed pose a different type of problem (figure 7.2c). As animal numbers increase relative to the available cropland and pasture, larger purchases of feeds (containing nutrients) are necessary. As this occurs, there is less land available—relative to the nutrient loads—to spread manure. Ultimately, the operation exceeds the capacity of the land to assimilate all the nutrients, and pollution of ground and surface waters occurs. For example, in a study of New York dairy farms, as animal density increased from around 1/4 of an animal unit (1 AU = one 1,000-pound animal or a number of animals that together weigh 1,000 pounds) per acre to over 1 AU

per acre, the amount of N and P remaining on farms increased greatly. When there was 1/4 AU per acre, imports and exports were pretty much in balance. But at 1 AU per acre, around 150 pounds of N and 20 pounds of P remains on the farm per acre each year. The nutrient flow pattern on farms with high animal densities— with large imports, mainly as feeds, greatly exceeding exports—is not environmentally acceptable, although under current conditions it may be more economical-

cal than a more balanced pattern. In addition, some farmers, mainly organic ones, try to build up their soil organic matter and nitrogen supply by annual applications of manure or compost. This also causes an unacceptable buildup of nutrients in soils. In a survey from 2002 through 2004 of thirty-four organic farms from seven states in the Northeast, encompassing 203 fields, it was found that approximately a third of the soils had below-optimal levels of nutrients. However, about half of the fields were found to have excessive levels of P. Other ways need to be found to add organic matter through on-farm practices such as intensive use of cover crops and rotations with perennial forages.

Imports and exports are close to balanced.

From the environmental perspective and for the sake of long-term soil health, fertility should be raised to—and then maintained at—optimal levels. The best way to keep desirable levels once they are reached is to roughly balance inflows and outflows. Soil tests can be very helpful in fine-tuning a fertility program and making sure that levels are not building up too high or being drawn down too low (see chapter 21). This can be a challenge and may not be economically possible for all farms. This is easier to do on a mixed crop-livestock farm than on either a crop farm or a livestock farm that depends significantly on imported feeds. As discussed above, because such a high percentage of the nutrients in feeds are excreted, animal products end up exporting relatively low amounts of nutrients off the farm. So if all the feeds are farm grown, adding an animal enterprise

Nutrient Cycles and Flows  
to a crop farm will tend to lower the nutrient exports. In order to help balance nutrient imports and

exports, routine soil tests should become a part of every farm’s practices, because they will indicate whether nutrients are being depleted or accumulating to higher levels than needed.

tend to be more readily lost to the environment. Even midwestern U.S. cash grain farms that have balanced nutrient imports and exports lose nutrients. Nitrogen-leaching losses from these farms are having negative environmental effects on the Mississippi River and Gulf of Mexico ecosystems

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